Reset to Standard vSwitch from Distributed vSwitch on homelab Intel NUC

I just had to reset my homelab Intel NUC’s ESXi 6.0 network configuration because I wanted to test a specific setting in vSphere Integrated Containers. Unfortunately, the Intel NUC only has one physical uplink and that uplink (and VMkernel Portgroup) was configured on a Distributed vSwitch – I needed it on a Standard vSwitch for the test. Migrating the VMkernel Portgroup from the Distributed to a Standard vSwitch was a little challenging and I didn’t want to set up an external monitor to use the Direct Console User Interface (DCUI). But with the help of William’s ESXi virtual appliance and some hints in the vSphere documentation, I was able to reproduce the necessary keyboard inputs and perform it with only a USB keyboard attached to the NUC. Instead of summarizing it only for myself, I though I’ll share it here as I couldn’t find similar instructions on google.

Please don’t do this in a production environment, blindly configuring a system isn’t a good idea.

tl;dr: the steps are: F2 – TAB – <root_password> – ENTER – DOWN – DOWN – DOWN – DOWN – ENTER – DOWN – ENTER – F11


What is actually going on if you could view DCUI? First, you need to use/press F2 (and potentially “fn” or similar) to get into ESXi’s DCUI system management:

Bildschirmfoto 2016-08-01 um 07.58.16

It will ask you to authenticate first (pressing TAB – <root_password> – ENTER):

Bildschirmfoto 2016-08-01 um 08.15.31

Then, you need to go to “Network Restore Options” in the System Customization menu (pressing DOWN – DOWN – DOWN – DOWN – ENTER):

Bildschirmfoto 2016-08-01 um 07.58.48

And in the “Network Restore Options”, you’ll have the option to “Restore Standard Switch” (pressing DOWN – ENTER – F11):

Bildschirmfoto 2016-08-01 um 07.59.11

After selecting “Standard Switch”, you’ll need to confirm a new dialog with “F11” and then a new vSwitch will be created on your host. Mine worked like a charm, I found a new Standard vSwitch with vmk0 using my “old” management IP address for ESXi.

Kostenloses VMware Online Technology Forum 2015 am Mittwoch, 25.11.2015


Am 25.11. findet das kostenlose VMware Online Technology Forum von 10:00-14:30 CET statt!

Nach einer Keynote von Joe Baguley, VMware CTO für EMEA, gibt es zum einen diverse spannende Breakout Sessions tracks mit prominenten Speakern:

  • Software-Defined Data Center: Infrastructure (What’s new in vSphere, vRealize Operations Insight 6.1, EVO:RAIL 2.0, EVO SDDC, Virtual SAN, Virtual Volumes, Site Recovery Manager)
  • Software-Defined Data Center: New Services (vRealize Automation 7.0, VMware Integrated OpenStack 2.0, Cloud-Native Applications & Containers, vRealize Business Update, DevOps mit vRealize CodeStream)
  • Software-Defined Networking (NSX 6.2 Update, Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), Micro-Segmentation & NSX Security Partner Integrationen, Cross-Data Center NSX, NSX & vRealize Automation)
  • Hybrid Cloud (What’s new in vCloud Air Disaster Recovery, VMware Continuent replication for Oracle, Deep-Dive on vCloud Air Advanced Networking Services, …)
  • Business Mobility (AirWatch 8.1, VMware User Environment Manager Deep-Dive, VMware Horizon Flex, What’s new in Horizon (View) 6.2, Horizon Air, …)

Weiterhin gibt es noch Hands-On Labs und eine Expert Chat Zone.

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Performance tuning of Telco and NFV workloads

Today, VMware released a new technical whitepaper for performance tuning of Telco and NFV workloads in vSphere. You can download the paper here:



From the document description:

The vSphere ESXi hypervisor provides a high-performance and competitive platform that effectively runs many Tier 1 application workloads in virtual machines. By default, ESXi has been heavily tuned for driving high I/O throughput efficiently by utilizing fewer CPU cycles and conserving power, as required by a wide range of workloads.

However, Telco and NFV application workloads are different from the typical Tier I enterprise application workloads, in that they tend to be any combination of latency sensitive, jitter sensitive, or demanding high packet rate throughputs or aggregate bandwidth, and therefore need to be tuned for best performance on vSphere ESXi.

This white paper summarizes the findings and recommends best practices to tune the different layers of an application’s environment for Telco and NFV workloads.

VMware Launch Event – Feb 2, 2015

What an exciting February! I just want to share some of my initial highlights from last nights launch of vSphere 6.0, Virtual SAN 6.0, VMware Integrated OpenStack and much more! There is so much content – make sure to check out for additional broadcasts and materials. You will also find lots of tweets (#VMW28days) and amazing blogposts looking at the well-known blogs.

vSphere 6.0

 Virtual SAN 6.0

VMware Integrated OpenStack

Hands-On Labs Updates

Software-Defined Telco – NFV in Production with VMware

Last night, my blog post about “Software-Defined Telco – NFV in Production with VMware” went live on the VMware Office of the CTO blog. After my VMworld 2014 presentation about the operational considerations in Telco Cloud / Network Functions Virtualization environments and other recent blog posts on this site, this article provides a comprehensive overview on the architectural and technical aspects of NFV with VMware:

It is a very exciting time for the Telco industry right now! In this blog post, I will share some updates and observations on VMware’s current involvement in NFV. Telco providers around the globe are working with VMware on both proof-of-concepts as well as production deployments… Continue Reading…