VMware Cloud Foundation – links to key product resources

There has been a lot of VMworld coverage over the last 10 days. I just wanted to summarize some of the key resources around one of the big announcements: VMware Cloud Foundation!

Please note, there will also be a webinar on September 13, 2016 so make sure to check this out in case you are looking for some more details on this!



vSphere Integrated Containers 0.4 – Inspecting VCH and ContainerVM

Last week, I had an interesting conversation with my friend Michael on vSphere Integrated Containers (VIC) in it’s current version 0.4. We discussed some of the key concepts and how they relate to other container implementations out there. I decided to summarize the key observations with a little more detail here as I expect this information to be interesting for operations teams once they start running VIC.
Please note: this is based on the currently available Open Source VIC project in version 0.4 running on vSphere 6.0 in my homelab.
For simplicity reasons, I decided to go with a “standalone ESXi” installation of my Virtual Container Host (VCH) in this example.

First, I created a new container host called “VCH001” on my ESXi host from my PhotonOS based worker VM:
root@photonbox [ /workspace/vic ]# ./vic-machine-linux create --bridge-network 'VCH Bridge' --external-network 'VM Network' --image-datastore mydatastore --target 'root@esxi01.think-v.com' --name VCH001

The output of this command shows the necessary details:
INFO[2016-08-06T19:51:56Z] Please enter ESX or vCenter password:
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:00Z] ### Installing VCH ####
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:00Z] Generating certificate/key pair - private key in ./VCH001-key.pem
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:02Z] Validating supplied configuration
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:05Z] Firewall status: DISABLED on /ha-datacenter/host/esxi01.think-v.com/esxi01.think-v.com
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:05Z] Firewall configuration OK on hosts:
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:05Z] /ha-datacenter/host/esxi01.think-v.com/esxi01.think-v.com
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:05Z] License check OK
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:05Z] DRS check SKIPPED - target is standalone host
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:07Z] Creating Resource Pool VCH001
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:07Z] Creating appliance on target
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:07Z] Network role client is sharing NIC with external
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:07Z] Network role management is sharing NIC with external
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:09Z] Uploading images for container
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:09Z] bootstrap.iso
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:09Z] appliance.iso
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:22Z] Waiting for IP information
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:42Z] Waiting for major appliance components to launch
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:44Z] Initialization of appliance successful
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:44Z] Log server:
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:44Z] https://VCH_IP:2378
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:44Z] DOCKER_HOST=VCH_IP:2376
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:44Z] Connect to docker:
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:44Z] docker -H VCH_IP:2376 --tls info
INFO[2016-08-06T19:52:44Z] Installer completed successfully

More details about the inner workings can be found in the VIC 0.4 blogposts by Cormac that are also listed in the link section below. In this post I’d like to focus more on the topic of state information and how this is handled in VIC 0.4.

First of all, it is important to understand the difference between VCHs in VIC in comparison to other (in this case linux-based) container solutions. While each container in a N:1 model (containers:linux) has its private namespace, the underlying shared kernel provides the container control plane to look into containers and perform process-related actions (start, stop, …). Runtime environment and control plane are directly coupled.

In VIC, the runtime/execution environment of the container is a so called containerVM (based on PhotonOS) which is decoupled from it’s “control plane”, the Virtual Container Host itself. This creates a new layer of abstraction where communication flow but also state information needs to be captured and made available.

To establish a secure communications path between these two components, VIC also introduces the concept of a Tether to connect into the actual containerVM. This concept is part of the Port Layer Abstractions that allows VIC to be extensible. More details are described on the VIC Container Abstractions documentation page.

Let me share a summary of how the VCH and containerVMs actually look like on the infrastructure – and where information on state is actually stored. At first, let me go into the VMX file of the VCH. As expected, there are two vNICs attached:

ethernet0.virtualDev = "vmxnet3"
ethernet0.networkName = "VM Network"
ethernet0.pciSlotNumber = "192"
ethernet0.uptCompatibility = "TRUE"
ethernet0.present = "TRUE"
ethernet1.virtualDev = "vmxnet3"
ethernet1.networkName = "VCH Bridge"
ethernet1.pciSlotNumber = "224"
ethernet1.uptCompatibility = "TRUE"
ethernet1.present = "TRUE"

Here, we also find the boot disk that got transferred with the deployment of the VCH:

ide0:0.deviceType = "cdrom-image"
ide0:0.fileName = "appliance.iso"
ide0:0.present = "TRUE"

The general approach for storing state information is described in the Configuration persistence mechanism overview documentation. According to this, VIC actually makes use of the vSphere extraConfig and guestinfo mechanisms to store relevant information. But where do extraConfig and guestinfo actually reside? In a normal vSphere VM, this information is stored in the VMX file of the VM (and remember, a container in VIC actually is a VM – the containerVM).

Starting a simple “hello-world” container should trigger the whole workflow that also creates a new VM. But let’s go through it step by step:

root@photonbox [ /workspace/vic ]# docker -H VCH_IP:2376 --tls run -it hello-world
Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/hello-world
a3ed95caeb02: Pull complete
c04b14da8d14: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:548e9719abe62684ac7f01eea38cb5b0cf467cfe67c58b83fe87ba96674a4cdd
Status: Downloaded newer image for library/hello-world:latest

Looking at the recently executed containers from my worker VM, we can see the following reference:

root@photonbox [ /workspace/vic ]# docker -H VCH_IP:2376 --tls ps -a
2cf7f483bf6e hello-world "/hello" Less than a second ago Stopped jolly_panini

So our container ran as ID 2cf7f483bf6e. How does that containerVM actually look on our standalone ESXi host and even more interestingly, where does the information about the container (from docker ps -a) come from?

First of all, there is a newly created VM named 2cf7f483bf6e7f32daa53f51ca388d5fb153f78d3a74d313318099086638ad58 – just as expected. Looking at the VMX file, we’ll find a lot of session information that we already found in docker ps -a:

guestinfo./common/name = "jolly_panini"
guestinfo./sessions|2cf7f483bf6e7f32daa53f51ca388d5fb153f78d3a74d313318099086638ad58/common/name = "jolly_panini"
guestinfo./sessions|2cf7f483bf6e7f32daa53f51ca388d5fb153f78d3a74d313318099086638ad58/cmd/Path = "/hello"
guestinfo./repo = "hello-world"

The containerVM mounts the “bootstrap.iso” from the VCH001’s VM folder (that also got deployed via the vic-machine installer):

ide0:0.deviceType = "cdrom-image"
ide0:0.fileName = "/vmfs/volumes/d37f7a1b-0ab13c48/VCH001/bootstrap.iso"
ide0:0.present = "TRUE"

The containerVM also has a serial connection to the VCH (explanation):

serial0.allowGuestConnectionControl = "FALSE"
serial0.fileType = "network"
serial0.fileName = "tcp://VCH_IP:8080"
serial0.network.endPoint = "client"
serial0.yieldOnMsrRead = "TRUE"
serial0.present = "TRUE"
serial0.hardwareFlowControl = "TRUE"

The containerVM’s network adapter is connected on the “VCH Bridge” portgroup and therefore only talks to the VCH. This is where the container traffic is flowing, management and control plane traffic is going via serial0.

ethernet0.virtualDev = "vmxnet3"
ethernet0.networkName = "VCH Bridge"
ethernet0.pciSlotNumber = "192"
ethernet0.uptCompatibility = "TRUE"
ethernet0.present = "TRUE"

The containerVM also has it’s own harddisk (attached VMDK):

scsi0.virtualDev = "pvscsi"
scsi0.present = "TRUE"
scsi0:0.deviceType = "scsi-hardDisk"
scsi0:0.fileName = "2cf7f483bf6e7f32daa53f51ca388d5fb153f78d3a74d313318099086638ad58.vmdk"
scsi0:0.present = "TRUE"

To delete the VCH and the containerVMs, vic-machine-linux is called with the “delete” option:

root@photonbox [ /workspace/vic ]# ./vic-machine-linux delete --target esxi01.think-v.com --user root --name VCH001
INFO[0000] Please enter ESX or vCenter password:
INFO[2016-08-06T20:50:24Z] ### Removing VCH ####
INFO[2016-08-06T20:50:28Z] Removing VMs
INFO[2016-08-06T20:50:33Z] Removing images
INFO[2016-08-06T20:50:34Z] Removing volumes
INFO[2016-08-06T20:50:36Z] Removing appliance VM network devices
INFO[2016-08-06T20:50:38Z] Bridge network was not created during VCH deployment, leaving it there
INFO[2016-08-06T20:50:40Z] Removing Resource Pool VCH001
INFO[2016-08-06T20:50:40Z] Completed successfully


In summary, all container state information is kept close to the containerVM, stored in the VMX file. VCH and containerVM use the ISO-files that are tranferred during the vic-machine install process. VIC also introduces a new level of abstraction between control plane and execution environment that allows VIC to be extensible for future usecases.


Additional links around VIC 0.4 – most of them by Cormac:

Reset to Standard vSwitch from Distributed vSwitch on homelab Intel NUC

I just had to reset my homelab Intel NUC’s ESXi 6.0 network configuration because I wanted to test a specific setting in vSphere Integrated Containers. Unfortunately, the Intel NUC only has one physical uplink and that uplink (and VMkernel Portgroup) was configured on a Distributed vSwitch – I needed it on a Standard vSwitch for the test. Migrating the VMkernel Portgroup from the Distributed to a Standard vSwitch was a little challenging and I didn’t want to set up an external monitor to use the Direct Console User Interface (DCUI). But with the help of William’s ESXi virtual appliance and some hints in the vSphere documentation, I was able to reproduce the necessary keyboard inputs and perform it with only a USB keyboard attached to the NUC. Instead of summarizing it only for myself, I though I’ll share it here as I couldn’t find similar instructions on google.

Please don’t do this in a production environment, blindly configuring a system isn’t a good idea.

tl;dr: the steps are: F2 – TAB – <root_password> – ENTER – DOWN – DOWN – DOWN – DOWN – ENTER – DOWN – ENTER – F11


What is actually going on if you could view DCUI? First, you need to use/press F2 (and potentially “fn” or similar) to get into ESXi’s DCUI system management:

Bildschirmfoto 2016-08-01 um 07.58.16

It will ask you to authenticate first (pressing TAB – <root_password> – ENTER):

Bildschirmfoto 2016-08-01 um 08.15.31

Then, you need to go to “Network Restore Options” in the System Customization menu (pressing DOWN – DOWN – DOWN – DOWN – ENTER):

Bildschirmfoto 2016-08-01 um 07.58.48

And in the “Network Restore Options”, you’ll have the option to “Restore Standard Switch” (pressing DOWN – ENTER – F11):

Bildschirmfoto 2016-08-01 um 07.59.11

After selecting “Standard Switch”, you’ll need to confirm a new dialog with “F11” and then a new vSwitch will be created on your host. Mine worked like a charm, I found a new Standard vSwitch with vmk0 using my “old” management IP address for ESXi.

Install vSphere Integrated Containers v0.1 via VMware Photon OS TP2

I just wanted to share a few simple steps on how to set up vSphere Integrated Containers (VIC) v0.1 (released on April 4, 2016) on VMware Photon OS. You can follow most steps easily via copy and paste but please be aware that you should not run this in your production environment! I worked with a local installation running in VMware Fusion. The vSphere Integrated Containers Code on GitHub is in a preview state but please read the project status directly on GitHub. It also requires a few environmental variables to be available (e.g. DHCP). You can find the binaries for the install on Bintray as they are available as a pre-packaged .tar.gz file (direct download link).

First we need to install Photon OS TP 2 (fresh install from the ISO) and give it 1 CPU and 2GB of memory. I used the “full” install type while going through the installer. You can find the Photon OS TP2 ISO files on Bintray – I used the full ISO (direct download link). Cormac just told me that you can also use the “smaller” Photon OS or the OVA and add git, wget, tar and go to the OS as prerequisites for the install of VIC.

Why 2GB RAM? I ran into some issues (like “go build github.com/vmware/govmomi/vim25/types: /usr/lib/golang/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/6g: signal: killed”) while installing govmomi with less than 2GB. It was fixed by adding more memory – you should be able to go back to less than 2GB after the install.

After the install, we login via DCUI (e.g. via Fusion) and enable remote SSH access. You can either edit the sshd_config file with the editor of your choice of follow the commands below.

# Enable root login in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sed -i 's/#PasswordAuthentication/PasswordAuthentication/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sed -i 's/PermitRootLogin no/PermitRootLogin yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
systemctl restart sshd

Once you noted the IP address of your system, you can connect to it via ssh. I updated tdnf (Photon OS package manager) and the Photon OS system as a first action.

# Upgrade tdnf and Photon packages
tdnf upgrade tdnf -y
tdnf upgrade -y

Then, we set up a working directory for VIC, I called it “VCHmaster”.

# Create working directory /home/VCHmaster
mkdir /home/VCHmaster
cd /home/VCHmaster

Next up is the download and extraction of the VIC artifacts from Bintray (placed in /home/VCHmaster)

# Download files from https://bintray.com/vmware/vic/Download
wget https://bintray.com/artifact/download/vmware/vic/vic_0.1.0.tar.gz
tar -xzf vic_0.1.0.tar.gz
chmod +x vic/install.sh

Before installing govmomi, you need to set some environmental variables (GOPATH and adding the bin directory to your PATH):

# Set Go variables
mkdir /home/VCHmaster/govmw
export GOPATH=/home/VCHmaster/govmw

We can then install the vSphere API Go library:

# install Go library for the VMware vSphere API
go get github.com/vmware/govmomi/govc

At this point, we are all set to install the first Virtual Container Host (VCH). The command is pretty straight forward. All you need is a deployment endpoint (in my case my homelab ESXi host) with a datastore.

# install your first VCH
cd vic
./install.sh -g -t 'user:password@IP_ADDRESS' -i ESXi_datastore VCH-name

When we run the install.sh script, this is the output that we are seeing:

root [ /home/VCHmaster ]# ./install.sh -g -t 'root:PASSWORD@ESXi_IP_ADDRESS' -i ESXi_datastore VCH-name
# Generating certificate/key pair - private key in VCH-name-key.pem
# Logging into the target
# Uploading ISOs
[05-04-16 12:00:38] Uploading... OK
[05-04-16 12:00:41] Uploading... OK
# Creating vSwitch
# Creating Portgroup
# Creating the Virtual Container Host appliance
# Adding network interfaces
# Setting component configuration
# Configuring TLS server
# Powering on the Virtual Container Host
# Setting network identities
# Waiting for IP information
# SSH to appliance (default=root:password)
# Log server:
# Connect to docker:
docker -H VCH_APPLIANCE_IP_ADDRESS:2376 --tls --tlscert='VCH-name-cert.pem' --tlskey='VCH-name-key.pem'

DOCKER_OPTS="--tls --tlscert='VCH-name-cert.pem' --tlskey='VCH-name-key.pem'"

To make the variables persistent across multiple sessions, you’ll have to add these e.g. to your bash profile. I’ll keep it simple (edit in /root/.bash_profile):

# Begin ~/.bash_profile
# Written for Beyond Linux From Scratch
# by James Robertson <jameswrobertson@earthlink.net>
# updated by Bruce Dubbs <bdubbs@linuxfromscratch.org>

# Personal environment variables and startup programs.

At this point in time, there is not much more to explore. You run a few docker commands already but again – this a v0.1 with limited functionality.

(Edits: added the Bintray download links for VIC and Photon OS. Thanks Manuel & Cormac for your feedback!)